OSD600 Release 0.1 - DeadOrNot - CLI URL Checker

Release 0.1 Introduction 

For our first release in OSD600, we were tasked with creating a command line interface(CLI) that would take a file and parse its contents to find URLs and find out the http status of the URL. Once the program finds the status it will output the URLs with either Good, Bad or Unknown depending on the statuses that were found. To create my CLI, I decided to use python. I choose python because its a language I picked up recently and wanted some more practice on and also because I felt it offered many tools and resources that would make this program simple. 

GitHub Repo


Usage and Features 

- calling the program with a file name or multiple file names will parse through the file(s) and find URLs and then output the links found along with whether its a live, dead or unknown link 

-  will output the results in colour, red for a bad link, yellow for an unknown link and green for a good link 

-makes use of multithreading to increase efficiency 

- option to only output dead links 

- option to only output live links 

-option to just output aggregate information about the URLs in the file ( how many dead, live and unknown links there are) 

Sample Images of Usage 

     python deadOrNot.py filename(s)

python deadOrNot.py filename(s) -g

     python deadOrNot.py filename(s) -d
python deadOrNot.py filename(s) -i


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