Final PR for Release 0.2


For this final pull request I wanted to work with something different as I had been working on a lot of python based projects. So after doing a search I was able to find a project that was creating buttons for the web that seemed interesting. 


The issue was that the css for the buttons was only triggering the animations on hover but some of the animations needed to happen without a hover. The solution was to add an animation class to the css and change the files for the button as well as the main css to match. The issue said to just comment below which buttons from the list you wanted to work on, so I choose a few buttons to get started and the developers gave me the okay. 

Pull Request

Once I began to work on what the issue required me to do, I noticed that the changes were much more simple than I had anticipated. I just needed to add the .animated line of code under the buttons I had requested in the main css file as well as add it to the individual css for the button as well. Overall, although the issue was simple to fix, it was still worthwhile to explore the repo and learn more about css styling as well as refreshing to work with something besides python for a change. 


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