Offering Some Help - Release 0.3 PR1


For this pull request, I searched for a project using the help wanted tag on github. Eventually I found a project that seemed like I would be able to help with. It was a CLI that would take in a file with pseudo code and convert it to python code and run it. This seemed like an interesting concept as well as something that I would be able to help with. 


The issue I decided to help with was one were the correct CLI did not have any way to convert two expressions being compared with a logic gate, for example X > Y AND X< Z. They CLI already had a function that compares to variables with an operator so building on that functionality was the task. 

Making this functionality work involved creating a new function that would receive two arrays and string that represented the logic gate. Each array would contain two values and an operator which when then be passed to the compare function that already existed. Once the outcome of calling the compare function was returned then further evaluation would take place with the logic gate that was passed to this function. The most interesting part of this PR was trying to keep the coding style consistent with the owner of the repo as they had made a few stylistic choices that I would not normally make. 


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